
JVM Research and Technology

Making Ideas Happen


Engineering, Research, and Technology for displays and analog-dominant engineering

JVM Research is an independent research and consulting organization available for consulting, contracting, or collaboration for your projects.

The role of JVM Research personnel with regard to the ICDM is immense. Our chief engineer was instrumental in helping to form the ICDM and is its chair.

The ICDM (International Committee for Display Metrology) is a committee in SID (Society for Information Display) which produced a ICDM Bookdisplay measurement standard, called IDMS1 (Information Display Measurements Standard, version 1). That standard consists of many methods to help quantify the performance of displays. It also provides additional information such as display references, tutorials, instructionals, a glossary, term definitions, and more. One who knows nothing about displays nor will ever make a measurement on one can puruse the document and learn much about displays, display performance, and what the specs mean, because that same person will likely purchase multiple displays in their life, and it will help them to know moare about what the specs mean.

This preeminent display measurment stadard (IDMS1) is free of charge as a PDF download, and can be obtained from the ICDM web site www.icdm-sid.org.

JVM Research contributes much to the ICDM. It contributes graphics, test patterns, templates, as well as authoring a number of the measurements in the ICDM standard (IDMS).

We also chair the ICDM and organize activities, meetings, and design and maintain the www.icdm-sid.org web site for the ICDM.

About the ICDM